time:Nov 10, 2022 Views:
The life of the LED street lamp driving power supply itself and the stability of the output current and voltage have a relatively large impact on the overall life and product quality of the product, and are the core part of the entire street lamp product. What are the characteristics of LED driver power?
(1) High reliability
Since the driving power supply for street lamps is installed in high altitude areas, it is difficult to maintain and expensive to maintain, so reliability is required.
(2) High efficiency
LED street lamps are energy-saving products and should have high efficiency in driving power supply. This is very important for the heat dissipation of the power junction installed in the lamp. The lamp's high power efficiency, low power consumption and low heat restrain the temperature rise of the lamp. Delaying the light attenuation of LED is beneficial.
(3) High power
Power factor is the requirement of load grid. Generally, there is no mandatory indicator for equipment below 70 watts. A single low power electrical equipment will have less power, but will have little impact on the power grid. However, if a large amount of lighting is used at night and similar loads are concentrated too much, the power grid will be seriously polluted. For 30-40 watt LED driver power supply, it is said that there may be specific index requirements for power factor in the near future.
(4) Drive mode
There are currently two types. One is a constant voltage source for multiple constant current sources, each of which supplies power to each LED. In this way, the combination is flexible, and the failure of one LED will not affect the operation of the other LED, but the cost will be slightly higher. The other is the DC constant current power supply, which is the drive system adopted by "Chushinkaiho" and operates in series or parallel with LED. The advantage is that the cost is low, but the flexibility is poor. It is necessary to solve some LED fault problems without affecting the behavior of other LED. These two forms coexist for a period of time. Multi channel constant current output power supply mode has advantages in cost and performance. Maybe that is the mainstream direction in the future.
(5) Surge protection
Some LED lights (such as LED street lights) are installed outdoors. Due to the start of power grid load and the induction of lightning stroke, various surges invade the power grid system. Some surges can damage the LED. The power supply for the LED drive needs to be able to control the surge and protect the LED from damage.
(6) Protection function
In addition to the traditional power protection, it is better to add negative LED temperature feedback on the constant current output to prevent the LED temperature from being too high. It must meet the requirements of safety regulations and electromagnetic compatibility.
These characteristics of the LED street lamp driving power supply described in this article enable you to easily protect the street lamp from damage and extend its service life. At the same time, the service performance and maintenance cost will be increased. This is the future development. Mainstream direction.