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Several key points that need to be paid attention to in factory lighting design

time:Aug 05, 2022 Views:

Factory lighting design is directly related to the daily production of the production workshop. If the lighting design is unreasonable, it may cause dizziness for workers during long-term work, and even affect work efficiency. Therefore, in the design process, there are several points that must not be ignored.

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The choice of lighting

What kind of lighting the factory needs, first look at the classification. In most cases, the lighting of the entire space is first given, generally, the position of the main lighting is placed at the top of the middle, and then the number of lights is confirmed according to the size of the factory. If there is local lighting, it is necessary to place reasonable lamps in some key positions according to the specific operating environment.

Several key points that need to be paid attention to in factory lighting design(图1)

Ensure reasonable illumination

The factory lighting design needs to take into account the rationality, and the illuminance must meet the minimum demand standard of the production workshop. When we do the factory lighting design, we must take into account the level of illumination, the different distribution of brightness, and whether there will be ghosting at each location. Therefore, it is generally necessary to do a good job of on-the-spot investigation before subsequent design can be carried out, and it is necessary to control the lighting adjustment of some positions at any time during the design process.

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