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What should be paid attention to when installing led lamp beads?

time:Apr 15, 2022 Views:

1. The LED lamp bead device generally adopts the tin welding method;

2. In-line plug-in lamp beads are generally welded by wave soldering and soldering iron;

3. SMD led lamp beads are mainly used for reflow soldering. Please pay attention to the reflow soldering temperature when soldering. Generally, it does not exceed 260 degrees, and the soldering time does not exceed 3-5 seconds.

There are also some precautions for the led lamp bead device:

What should be paid attention to when installing led lamp beads?(图1)

1. Before installing the lamp bead, check whether the luminous color, brightness and color temperature of the lamp bead are consistent with the requirements, and also check whether the surface of the lamp bead is scratched, whether the welding pins are bright, and whether there is oxidation;

2. Pay attention to check whether the aluminum substrate to be welded is flat, and pay attention to take thermal grease evenly on the LED lamp seal marked on the aluminum substrate before welding;

3. Before soldering, pay attention to the polarity of the LED lamp beads. Solder the same polarity end with the pre-soldered end, and then solder the other end of the LED to the other pin of the LED package on the aluminum substrate;

4. When installing the led lamp bead, pay attention to welding the lead wire of the welding part and the input terminal of the power supply separately, and then use the brown and white power leads at the output terminal of the power supply to weld according to the polarity position, pay attention to the polarity of the two ends.

5. After the lamp beads are welded, pay attention to the shortened length of the heat-shrinkable tube of the matching power supply sleeve. Note that the length of the heat-shrinkable tube is generally 1-2mm longer than the power supply.

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