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Why are LED streetlights accelerating to replace traditional streetlights

time:Oct 14, 2022 Views:

Before we may only know the yellow high pressure sodium lamp, but with the development of LED street lamp, high pressure sodium lamp has gradually faded out of our sight. Many people may wonder why LED street lamps are developing so fast.

One of the main reasons is cost. The high pressure sodium lamps we used before consume a lot of electricity, almost twice as much as LED street lamps, and last only half as long as LED street lamps. The main reason for the current promotion of LED street lamps is to reduce city costs. According to statistics, 60W LED street lamp can reach the illuminance of 250W high-pressure sodium lamp, LED street lamp use power is relatively small.

Why are LED streetlights accelerating to replace traditional streetlights(图1)

Secondly, high pressure sodium lamp is not very environmentally friendly, contains harmful rays, is a low safety product. Now the use of LED street lamps are safe low-voltage products, do not contain harmful rays, in the process of installation and use can greatly reduce safety risks.

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